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I6NET reaches 1,000 blog’s registered users!


We are proud to announce that one thousand users, developers, partners, customers and maybe some competitors,… are already using or testing our VXI* software products for Asterisk. Our market is became worldwide in very short time and each country’s partners are looking now to develop many IVR / IVVR applications over Asterisk thanks to our VoiceXML browser.

Remember, VXI* is now available for download  and run on last Asterisk PBX kernels releases 1.4 / 1.6 for 32bit and 64bit Linux OS. The default configuration allows any user to use all VoiceXML features with one free port for demo purpose.

Thanks you for your support!

New documentation edition for VXI* 4.0
January 21, 2009
I6NET and Androme partners for new IP/3G videocalling technology services
February 5, 2009