We are pleased to present the release 5.2 ref. 2010-11-29 of our VXI* VoiceXML Browser for Asterisk. There’s very important improvements and new specific ASR features in this new release, that will provide you the best IVR experience for your voice and video telephony projects. VXI* 5.2 is suitable for production platforms running with all lastest Asterisk 1.4, 1.6 and now 1.8 kernels! (all Asterisk’s packages are available for download too).
You can download these new binary packages from this website for registered users.
Powered by I6NET Software
New features added and modifications:
- mod: Correction in the fonction wait/silence (wait for openvxi).
- add: Add the parameter dialnumbersonly to filter called numbers.
- mod: Change the open sequence for better reactivity.
- mod: Increase the number of accounts to 200.
- add: File descriptors counters (with show top).
- add: Average statistiques (duration, response and CAPS).
- mod: Replace the nanohttp library by the libcurl.
- add: Extra parameters in the transfer (after mark ‘,’) for to the Dial command.
- add: Command line parameters -U and -G to change the OpenVXI linux user/group.
- mod: Correction for uniMRCP to stop the speech/ASR engine.
- mod: Correction for disable bargein with the speech/ASR.
- add: Increase the Asterisk compatibility (disable the using the channel context).
- mod: Ignore the ASR result if a DTMF interaction occured.
- add: Support the attribut repeat for SRGS/XML DTMF grammars.
- add: Options to pass all the SRGS/XML grammars to ASR engine (voice and DTMF).
- add: Support for Asterisk 1.8.
- add: Add the context support in the app_vxml redirect (‘@exten@context’).
- mod: Correction for MDTel (shadow ‘out’ value set).
- add: Option parseSRGS to disable the SRGS parsing in the browser.
- mod: Correction for speech unimrcp and Nuance (support <tag>out=).
- mod: Correction of the session contexts initalisation (ctx->url).
- mod: Enable the cdrupdate in case of vxml(@) using.
- mod: Correction to enable the H323 license option.
- add: Add the parameter param (to force the session.param variable in VoiceXML).
- add: Add the parameter priorityevents.
- mod: Correction for Vestec ASR (word compare without case sensitive).