
September 1, 2009

Kamailio – OpenSER, InfoWorld 2009 Best Open Source Software Awards winner

Kamailio is the open source SIP proxy server formerly known as OpenSER. Used with an Asterisk IP PBX server for phone features, plus a hardware gateway for connection to the outside world, Kamailio brings important call handling and scalability benefits to Asterisk, while also removing the Asterisk server as a single point of failure. Larger organizations get the phone features they need, as well as the added safety of VoIP calls surviving an Asterisk server outage. Congratulations to the whole development team from I6NET! About InfoWorld Bossie Awards Each year, InfoWorld’s Bossies (Best of Open Source Software awards) recognize the best open source software for business. The InfoWorld Test Center’s central mission has always been to identify the most promising and cost-effective products available to IT organizations. Increasingly, those products — from application development tools to platforms and infrastructure […]
August 31, 2009

IVR provides Speech Self-Services: In a Time of Economic Uncertainty

IVR technologies have been used for long time to help human call centers to manage better their internal resources (welcome mensages, call routing, call forwarding, queues’ menus…) than to provide services to callers as: Speech self-services. This interesting article is talking about the current wind of change of IVR usage. At I6NET, most of our main VXI* business cases are coming from Speech Self-services implementations where the open standard VoiceXML language is a high value-added technology to build advanced machine-human dialogs for many business processes. In a time of economic uncertainty, when managers are being asked to do more with less, and when cost cutting has become the norm, the ability for IVR (Interactive Voice Response) to assist in accomplishing these objectives has never been more obvious. Managers are being forced to make difficult choices between high-touch experience delivered by […]
August 30, 2009

Meet I6NET at SIMO Network 2009 Madrid Spain

We are please to be at next SIMO Network 22-24 September 2009. Our team can meet you there to talk about our products and solutions for avdanced communications and phone/mobile interactivity. About SIMO Network SIMO Network unites the professional world and brings it close to cutting-edge technology. A trade fair concept designed to answer the demand and offer requirements of today. An exclusively professional environment aimed at business and knowledge exchange. * A trade fair for business professionals * To show the full range of ICT proposals To improve competitiveness Congress partners Avanzada7, Ambiser Where to meet us VoIP2Day Conferences EEN Brokerage Event Contact person Iván Sixto  – Business Dev. Manager of I6NET More at:
August 28, 2009

3915, the French Pharmacies-Drug Stores Phone Self-Service Directory goes to Savoie

SAVOIE: In East-France region, people find their nearest drug store thanks to the 3915 speech self-service 24hx7. Even if your are living in a city or country, from anywhere you are in France with any phone; you will get the same value-added service to find or contact in less than a minute your Pharmacy / Drug Store; this phone service is adopted by all Region of Savoie Pharmacies / Drug Stores, and it’s a very helpful service in health emergency situations too. More information:
August 26, 2009

S-Prize: an Asterisk over 10000 Call Legs with 1 Instance!

This very insteresting challenge from Digium for next Astricon 2009, seems to have a winner. We are very happy of that great new! The first person to get an Asterisk system moving 10,000 G.711 call legs through a single instance on a single machine will get a first-class steak dinner at Astricon.  And a great bottle of wine, if that is your preference. This isn’t an X-prize, but the concept is the same – think of it as an S-prize.  ”S” means “Steak”.  Or maybe “Salad” if you’re a vegetarian. […] Ten thousand channels sounds like a lot, and it is.  But it can be done, and is already done with custom hardware from closed-source vendors. Open Source Asterisk has not been yet tested at anywhere near that high capacity, though attempts have been made in the thousands of channel […]
August 25, 2009

Asterisk PBX Server’s Benchmarks from TransNexus

Thanks to Jim Dalton from TransNexus for these Benchmarks of Asterisk PBX. Most of our customers want to tune their Asterisk Server in order to get the maximum VoIP call performance with VXI* and they need information about the Asterisk kernel behavior during a stress test. We have added our data about VXI* process %CPU utilization. Of course, it’s an average estimation, because VoiceXML applications can execute very different XML dialogs for each call and can require codec translation too; but the VXI* VoiceXML addon for Asterisk use few CPU compare to the PBX for most of voice interactive applications. Diagrams shows % CPU utilization vs Ports (simultaneous calls) – g711 no codec translation TransNexus document describes a benchmark test and performance results for a standard Asterisk PBX 1.4 working as B2BUA (Back-to-Back User Agent).  The purpose of this stress […]
August 25, 2009

10th anniversary of VoiceXML, the W3C speech-based interactive application standard mark-up language

Today Agust 25, 2009; marks the 10th anniversary of “the first draft of VoiceXML” (meaning Rev 0.9). There is no question that the W3C-sanctioned standard for a mark-up language for developers of speech-based interactive applications is what makes “Telephony 2.0” possible. With VoiceXML you have all you need to build the sorts of ‘rich phone apps’ at the root of better customer self-service, as well as mobile versions of popular search, messaging and social networking applications. According to OpusResearch  “Foundations” report (issued earlier this year), that businesses will spend roughly $2 billion on speech applications and platforms (both on premises and “in the cloud). Even in this chilly world economy, we see low, double-digit growth in spending as the well-defined standard, coupled with well understood API’s into mature “platforms” fosters proliferation of truly useful (and usable) multi-modal applications that integrate […]
August 24, 2009

VXI* Cloud Beta Program, released!

We are pleased to announce the open beta of Cloud VXI* VoiceXML for Asterisk is ready to begin and we look forward to you participation. All registred users to this program will receive today the lasted VXI* 4.2 packages to run on al virtual OS ready for Cloud. This software and license keys are only  available for users who have previously register to the VXI* Cloud Beta Program to follow any feedback with I6NET’s Support team. Thank you for your continuous support!
August 19, 2009

I6NET Partner Ecosystem

At I6NET, we recognize the vital role our partners play in our VXI* platforms ecosystem – a community of organizations and individuals focused on a common goal – customer voice and video telephony interactivity business success. Our partner programs provide a strong foundation of support and collaboration that fosters unparalleled value and mutual business success for our customers, partners, and I6NET. I6NET offers global and local partnership categories for every strategic business area and customer need in all market segments. So no matter your area of expertise on IVR / IVVR, you can have an opportunity to grow your business by aligning with us. Currently more than 50 partners works and integrates I6NET Technologies: Want to learn more? Contact us for more information.
August 18, 2009

OpusReseach – Foundations 2009: Voice Self-Service Meets Web 2.0

According to opusresearch; Phone-based self-service has taken on new meaning as phones morph into multi-functional wireless devices and contact center functions are distributed throughout the globe. Conversational Access Technologies now involve asynchronous interaction among individuals using Web services over the phone lines. Adding the human touch to traditionally automated self-service activities gives companies the option to leverage existing staff and IT infrastructure or outsource operations to managed or hosted service providers. By Dan Miller This very interesting report includes a PDF summary to download. Source: Foundations 2009: Voice Self-Service Meets Web 2.0