
July 27, 2009

Flash Videocall and IP communications convergence over 3G

This demo shows IP Convergence is not a buzzword… Thanks to Luis C. from Celudan for  this crazy video demo using many telecom building blocks over an 3G data connection. The VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk is managing the main video service and mixing all protocols, medias all interacting thru SIP, Flash Streaming, RTSP, direct video mp4,… The videocall is launched from a Samsung Omnia mobile phone (3G data connected to Internet) with just a simple Skyfire mobile browser executing a web video telephony service where the web flash ZMS softphone take a videocall… then a new world of IP communications convergence over 3G starts here… to access to any phone, operator, IP cams, any videoportals, any interactive communication, phone calls, softphones… etc
July 25, 2009

Skyfire a free web browser for mobiles phones including Flash 10

For the first time ever, on your phone, you can watch any flash video and browse the web using the full-featured PC versions of your favorite websites. With Skyfire, mobile browsing just works – speedy page loads, full video, images and audio. Skyfire is the only mobile browser that supports full Flash and Windows Media videos, including Flash 10 and Silverlight 2.0. Free mobile browser Windows Mobile and Nokia phones Why a flash mobile browser? Video softphones like ZMS for VXI* works fine on Skyfire using your Internet plan. What i can do with Skyfire? You can make IP videocalls using a web hosted telephony service. Where? Anywhere… using your 3G data plan. Start mobile video telephony with Flash 10…
July 23, 2009

Become a fan of I6NET on Facebook

Just a short note to join us on Facebook today! I6NET on Facebook
July 23, 2009

Sharing Video IP Cameras with VXI* VoiceXML for 3G-UMTS videocalls and VoIP SIP

We are please to present a new update of the IP Cam Xtras addon for VXI*, one of most interesting feature for 3G/SIP videocalling services is to access to an IP camera. This module allows to code with VoiceXML a hosted video portal to access to many IP cameras in multi-session mode. This mean many users can share any camera connected to the service. 3G videocall’s advantages: No 3G data contrat required (you don’t need Internet plan for your mobile phone) No previous software  application/ SMS instalation required No specific mobile phone setup and configuration, just make a videocall! Video streaming optimized for Mobile Wireless Communication Real-time bidirectional  mode always available Works with all 3G mobile phones (videocall enabled, most of them are today) Works with all 3G UMTS wireless operators Works in roadming mode thru another 3G UMTS operator […]
July 21, 2009

Do you have a VoiceXML and IVR Strategy?

Very interesting point of view from Nick Jones, member of the Gartner Blog Network about how we are not focusing on the critial elements of our effective comunication channels. Today, it’s really easy to think large screens mobile devices  are The best solution for any user’s interface but VoiceXML portals and advanced IVR services are a key factor for a smart communication evolution. Are you ready for small to be the new big?
July 21, 2009

New Xtras addons map for VXI*

Xtras addons are “plug-in” that let add specialized capabilites to VXI* VoiceXML browser. These software components provide advanced features for your IVR or IVVR solutions. VXI* is fully integrated with very different Asterisk’s modules and internal elements that VoiceXML is able to manage. These extensions provide new advanced features to get or post information thru Asterisk with the interpreter.
July 20, 2009

Lumenvox Speech Engine 9.0 for VXI* VoiceXML browser

“Add the power of speech to your VoiceXML applications with LumenVox Speech Engine 9.0 and VXI* browser Today” Now you can purchase, download and install accurate and affordable Speech Recognition on Asterisk and VXI* in less then a day. The integration of the LumenVox Speech Engine with VXI* and the Asterisk telephony platform is one of the most exciting opportunities to recently emerge in the speech industry. Developers and service providers can now run thousands of existing VoiceXML (VXML) speech applications using the Speech Engine 9.0 on Asterisk and Linux.
July 20, 2009

VXI* VoiceXML Browser 4.2rc coming soon…

VXI* 4.2 VoiceXML browser for Asterisk will be soon release as RC for 32bit and 64bit last Asterisk servers. This new release will start to be implemented for new IVR / IVVR production platforms. Stable 4.1 release steel available for voice  and  video services. Some updates of this new 4.2 release are: Video 3G stack for VXI* improvements on 64bit OS New VXI* Xtras addons management and configuration updates New Transcoder engine updates for Video over IP,  SIP mode a, b, c New IP camera vendors for the RTSP module Code improvements and bugs corrections
July 19, 2009

New I6NET’s Corporate Presentation updated

Our last corporate presentation “July 2009” on Slideshare: I6NET Presentation – VoiceXML for everybusiness View more documents from I6NET. Table of contents: Slide 01: Title Slide 02: Our company Slide 03: Our team Slide 04: Our customers Slide 05: Our partners Slide 06: What we do? Slide 07: The 4 elements Slide 08: Our product VXI* Slide 09: Server configuration Slide 10: Our support Slide 11: On demand services Slide 12: Why VoiceXML Slide 13: Why Asterisk PBX Slide 14: Ecosystem & Social Networks Slide 15: Our datacenters Slide 16: Advantages Slide 17: Thank you!
July 15, 2009

The four elements to build your IVR or IVVR platform

Of course, build an advanced IVR / IVVR doesn’t require rocket science. You just need four software elements that I6NET has developed, integrated and packaged for you. This approach provides a standard telephony system powered by VoiceXML 2.0+ (W3C) and able to manage the most advanced open interactive voice and video applications for 3G/IP/TDM networks. The four software elements: VXI* VoiceXML browser, for voice and video phone interactivity FF* converter, suite of tools to manage video contents convertion Asterisk, the Open Source PBX created by Digium (built from standard last sources) Xtras, complementary software addons (ASR, TTS, 3G-324m, CDR, FAX…) Server platform requirements: Standard hardware servers Intel, AMD,.. 120-150 ports for voice / 30-60 ports for video per CPU VoIP / TDM on Asterisk’s compliant boards Linux OS Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, CentOS, Fedora, Suse, AsteriskNOW