
July 14, 2009

Some pictures from C:Media 2009 at Madrid

Thanks to AECIM for the network meetings, congress organization and all portuguese technology companies who have participate on C:Media 2009. Welcome to Madrid!
July 13, 2009

I6NET gets social

I6NET have recently launched different online communities to stimulate communication, sharing ideas, news, announcements, videos, slides,… about our products and solutions. We are pleased to introduce more ways to stay in touch with our beloved customers, visitors, and fans. The most direct way to get information from I6NET is to subscribe to our RSS where we inform about official releases. And now, there is also Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, SlideShare and Youtube page for I6NET, where we inform about work in progress, upcoming events and behind the scene news. Stay tuned, follow us on: Facebook Twitter Friendfeed Slideshare Youtube Thanks for your continuous support!
July 13, 2009

I6NET becomes Redfone Power User

We are please to be new Redfone power user providing hi-availability to our IVR Solutions. Redfone Power Users are highly skilled VARs or Distributors that can provide complete and comprehensive Open Source based telephony solutions using Redfone products. Case Study: [download id=”40″] More information about Redfone: Redfone and I6NET Partner to Bring High Availability to IVR/IVVR platforms Redfone provide hi-availabity and load balacing to Asterisk servers
July 12, 2009

Advantages of Outbound IVR over predictive dialers

The market for Outbound IVR is set to grow as more and more companies look for ways to retain customers. Today digital telephony improves automation and the way humans interact with computers, predictive dialers are now being supplemented by outbound IVR solutions, which a – as Datamonitor reports – has a number benefits over predictive dialers of callcenters. Instead of connecting live callers to an agent when the phone is answered, outbound IVR applications use advanced Speech Recognition or DTMF to help callers and complete short transactions like alerting, process confirmation, short surveys, get feedback, send voice reminders… without any need for human assistance, or the systems can route live calls to agents only when needed or required. Advantages of outbound IVR over predictive dialers include the ability to save on costs for agents and to allow timely information, such […]
July 7, 2009

I6NET at C:Media 2009, Portuguese Company Mission to Madrid

We are please to be at next C:Media Event Madrid 8-9 July 2009. I6NET will meet Portuguese Technology Companies in Mission to Madrid (Spain). Main outcomes of this event is to talk about Spain-Portugal  collaboration to share businesses, partnerships, new technolgies for avdanced communications, Internet and phone/mobile interactivity. Congress partner AECIM – Asociación de Empresarios de Comercio e Industria de Madrid. EEN – Enterprise Europe Network Madri+d Location AECIM – Enterprise Europe Network Madri+d Calle Principe de Vergara 28006 Madrid (Spain) Contact person Iván Sixto  – Business Dev. Manager of I6NET
July 6, 2009

Follow us on Facebook…

Are your on Facebook? if so, follow our I6NET page Help us get more friends and fans! to receive regular updates on releases, news and developments. We will post information about I6NET on Facebook to share more with all our users. Thanks for your continuous support! You can access to our Facebook page here:
July 2, 2009

Multimedia Codecs, Compression, and Streaming in 3G-324m

Thanks to Christoph K. for this clear and expert post about 3G videocalling 3G video telephony generally operates over a single 64 kbit/s connection where both parties need to share the available bandwidth. Effectively, the application then is left with 60 kbit/s, or less that are dedicated for both media types, since H.245 call control messages reduce the gross bandwidth. In 3G-324M systems, the bandwidth is allocated dynamically; however, generally said, every party has 50% of the bandwidth available for sending audio and video signals. In a typical unidirectional scenario, 12.2 kbit/s are allocated for the speech codec, and a bitrate of 43-48 kbit/s is allowed for the video data (Sang-Bong, Tae-Jung and Jae-Won). By employing rate control methods in the media encoders, the network can dynamically change these bitrates depending on network conditions and application demand. When two parties […]
June 30, 2009

Planning to upgrade your IVR?

According to the recent Forrester Enterprise And SMB Networks And Telecommunications Survey, North America And Europe, Q1 2009, 32% of the 279 network and telecommunications managers surveyed indicated they planned to upgrade their IVR in the next 12 months. Before a decision is made, companies need to consider their options for upgrading their IVR and compare the differences between premise based and network based voice portals. Voice portals are standard based platforms that support multiple speech or touch tone applications. Forrester’s survey indicates 22% of companies plan to add speech applications this year to improve automation of customer transactions and provide better customer service. Look For the Solution That Best Fits Your Business Network based services provide a means to support advanced applications from a carrier’s network. The benefits of network based services are flexible OPEX pricing and faster time […]
June 29, 2009

Our datacenters: Best Telecom knowledge and top Carrier conditions for I6NET VXI* IVR / IVVR servers

I6NET manages and maintains one of the most redundant IVR / IVVR datacenters in Spain on Interxion and VerizonBusiness sites. We have combined our knowledge with the knowledge of top telecom engineers from VerizonBusiness, Interxion, Voztelecom, Ono, Infratech to create very high carrier conditions. Located in the 1st and 2nd largest Carrier Hotel in Madrid / Spain to be connected to European large operators IP/3G networks. Our racks are used by Carriers providing us with a link to the primary Internet and PSTN – SIP/TDM interconnection points for USA, America, Europe, Asia and provides many amenities not available in other facilities. By investing in top of the line infrastructure, power conditioning and backup, cooling systems, fire protection and connectivity, I6NET can give your colocations VXI* servers the home they have always wanted for best IVR / IVVR services. More information: […]
June 28, 2009

New *CLI> commands for VXI* 4.1

VXI* 4.1 has been enhanced with new commands line to provide more information to administrators. VXI*  data logs are now managed easier from the Asterisk *CLI>; today get online information about all the calls, sessions, accounts, statistics, … your  IVR management becomes simple: Find here the new commands line dumped with Asterisk *CLI>: Help vxml debug | Enable VoiceXML application debugging vxml no debug | Disable VoiceXML application debugging vxml reload | Reload VoiceXML interpreter configuration vxml show accounts | Show the accounts configured vxml show account | Show an account configured vxml show applications | Show and check the dependencies applications vxml show configuration | Show the configuration of VoiceXML interpreter vxml show dates | Show dates of VoiceXML interpreter vxml show license | Show license of VoiceXML interpreter vxml show sessions Show the sessions of VoiceXML interpreter vxml show session | Show the session of VoiceXML […]