
June 25, 2009

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Market to Grow to $2.7 Billion by 2011, says DMG Consulting

According to DMG Consulting, the next two years are going to be sweetbacked, money-raking years: The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Market to Grow to $2.7 Billion by 2011. It’s now a better time for IVR with Innovation, quick deployments, and cost effective products with a high-value proposition and rapid ROI; VXI* VoiceXML browser solutions are aligned with this vision. In a press release, the consulting firm said that the recession has actually sped up the pace of IVR adoption and “infused momentum into the hosted/managed service” market-the latter being a trend that we’ve all been noticing around the office since back in January. “Self-service IVR solutions are important for enterprises in good times and become critical when budgets are tight, because they are highly effective in automating interactions that do not require the cognitive capabilities of live agents,” says Donna […]
June 25, 2009

DAVI Interactive launches with I6NET new videocall Customer Service solutions for 3G mobiles

The combination of the I6NET  high-performance and open standards VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk with DAVI’s interactive solutions brings the most cutting edge mobile solutions to the automated Customer Service market. DAVI implements B2C / B2B  solutions that allows clients to offer better customer service at lower cost. Now I6NET and DAVI make possible to offer the best combination of video telephony and artificial characters in the best service channel for each customer situation. DAVI is currently using I6NET’s VXI* Platform for the development of their voice and video solutions. Both companies have a strong collaboration and works sharing their better tools. For example,  Greetings Actors is a 3G videocall service to send video message with your voice and  DAVI’s animated characters. Many others amazing services developments are in-progress using both DAVI’s animation engines and I6NET VXI* IVVR platforms for […]
June 23, 2009

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Are your on twitter? if so, follow us @ i6net Help us get more followers! to receive regular updates on releases, news and developments. We will post quickly more information about I6NET and you will find all our current 2009’s blog posts… You can access to our twitter account here:
June 15, 2009

CCXML vs VXI* VoiceXML’s Asterisk Call Control

CCXML – or Call Control XML – is the W3C standard markup language for controlling how phone calls are placed, answered, transferred, conferenced, and more. This language has been designed to work with VoiceXML and be telephony platform independent. VoiceXML is a dialog oriented XML language but it can execute some call control functions like the <transfer> tag. CCXML has been defined to provide an extended call control management to VoiceXML. This approach has some limits , you need to parse two different XML pages and manage both different scripts at the same time, that is a complex situation for developers. Of course, the current CCXML 1.0 definition use a reduced number of tags, coding any call controlled application is limited by the CCXML syntax itself.
June 5, 2009

New documentation edition for VXI* 4.1

We present a new update of the VXI* VoiceXML browser Manual; these new PDF file is now available at our download documents section. Some updated elements are: Installation process for Digium Boards Dadhi / Zaptel Acapela TTS new connector VoiceXML reference guide updated for VXI* 4.1 ZMS Zingaya – VXI* interoperability Debian Firewall / SIP [download id=”46″] More information at: Documents Thank your for your support!
June 4, 2009

New VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.1 released!

The final VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.1  ref. 2009-06-02 32bits/64bits is now released. These new release is suitable for production platforms running with all lastest Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6 kernels. Stay tuned to the blog to keep up to date on our progress or check out our lasts builds and see for yourself! You can download these new packages from this website for registered users. Powered by I6NET Software This 4.1 release includes a new license activation system to connect many addons and manage more features, before upgrading from a previous VXI* 1.X, 3.X or 4.X send an email to our support to get the configuration for your new 4.1 platform. Without activation (by default) your can use one port for free. This is an example, of the information dumped: Version : 4.1 Max sessions : 30 Option video : yes Option tts […]
June 3, 2009

The City of Avila exibits Voice Portals self-services at Admira Congress 2009

José M. Izquierdo exhibits the benefits of Voice Portals solutions for citizens care. Valladolid – Spain, June 1, 2009. – The City hall of Avila, represented by its CIO, presented its voice portal solution developed by Ambiser with the I6NET’s technology. José M. Izquierdo emphasized on the closeness and service capacity to the citizen that the phone has nowadays opposite to the Internet potential. These phone services provide innovation and more capacities to the public administrations like the appointments’ reservation self-service, its integration with the current citizen’s web portal and the synchronization between both channels for the actuality events publishing.
June 3, 2009

VXI* serves the 3915 french phone number to find quickly the nearest pharmacy drug store.

The «3915» or is the french national interactive phone service where you can find  in less than a minute  the nearest pharmacist on duty from your geographical location. With any operator,  from any cellphone, you just have to enter your zipcode, or simply the name of the city. The « 3915 » is powered by VXI* platforms with VoiceXML applications to access in real-time to a large pharmacists’ addresses database. Information is provided by the pharmaceutical department  trade union and the geographical location is provided by google map’s technology.  The Internet site  has a search engine to help users to find the nearest pharmacist on duty, and it also offer many services to pharmacists. These two services are now available in 15 french departments, and in phase of deployment on the entirety of the territory.      
May 25, 2009

The City hall of Avila presents its Voice Portal at next Admira Congress 2009

Valladolid, Spain 2009 The City hall of Avila will present at the Admira Congress its Voice Portal project, an innovative, effective phone self-service directed to improve the citizen care  using best of  bread voice communications interfaces and through Internet developed by AMBISER with the VXI* VoiceXML browser technology of I6NET. Admira Congress, will show last Products and Services for the Innovation and Modernization of the Public administrations, and will take place from May 28 until May 30 in the Fair of Valladolid (Spain). Link:
May 18, 2009

Advanced monitoring for VXI* VoiceXML servers

When you have a multi-server environment, server monitorization becomes a mandatory service to manage your VXI *IVR/IVVR . Nagios software deliver today a powerfull administration and monitoring solution for VXI* servers. I6NET uses it and some of our partners too, so we choose to talk about this interesting tool that helps to monitor VXI* systems base on Asterisk PBX.