
February 27, 2008

VoiceObjects Developer Portal for I6NET IVR platforms

I6NET says welcome to the VoiceObjects Developer Portal from our partner VoiceObjects! The Developer Edition standard installation consists of all files including VoiceObjects Desktop for Eclipse, the Eclipse development environment to create VoiceXML applications for I6NET VXI* IVR platforms with Java JDK, additional required components and the complete Prime Insurance demo including the audio resources. In these pages you will get: free access to the VoiceObjects Developer Edition information on installing and using VoiceObjects access to free e-mail support for registered developers free tutorials and information and more For those of you new to VoiceObjects, you may wish to visit the VoiceObjects website:
February 25, 2008

I6NET at VON.x Spring San José CA

March 17 – 20, 2008 Mcenery Conversion Center San José, CA I6NET will be present at next VON.x Spring Congress. VON.x has set its sights on the continuing evolution of Internet Communications. It’s no longer just voice or video, it’s everything over the Internet, commonly referred to as XoIP. Covering Internet voice applications, wireless trends and technologies, presence, video and Internet TV, instant messaging, social media and more, VON.x is about predicting, disrupting, educating and gathering together the people who shape this ever-changing landscape, along with those who have a vested interest in partnering to help re-shape the future of Internet Communications. More information at: Come and visit us at Booth # 1027
February 18, 2008

What is a 3G Video Portal or IVVR service?

IVVR, it’s like an IVR but with Video, yes of course! Video Portals can use now the last telephony video calling technology IP/3G to manage new mobile user experiences. Instead of using only voice you make a video call; you get interactive menus with pictures, real time video contents access and 3GPP file recording. VoiceXML has proven W3C telephony language standard provide you a worldwide unified approach in developing advanced interactive services. This model separates the application logic from dialog management and media handling, like in a web XML service: your IVVR application is located in a web server and can be easily integrated with any others web applications, contents… Some features of video calling experience are: – DTMF during playing – 3GPP playing contents – Transfer video call to SIP/3G extensions – Access to IP/3G cameras – Record/Reprompt 3GPP
February 7, 2008

VoiceXML database access

This interesting article develops an example of a developers use server-side programming to extract information from a web database and then modifies it for voice applications. We recommend this to help in first approach with any application running in VoiceXML that need to get or update information at phone. Link at: By Rick Beasley, John O’Reilly, Veta Bonnewell, Kenneth Michael Farley, Leon Squire. Article is provided courtesy of Sams
January 23, 2008

Visit us at Mobile World Congress 2008

I6NET is please to invite you to the stand CY13 at Mobile World Congress 2008 in Barcelona city. We want to thanks the 3GSM CIDEM OnCatalonia initiative for receiving our customers and partners in the congress. We will be in Barcelona on next February 12th, 2008. Please contact us at: I6NET profile at CIDEM
January 5, 2008

3G Video portal demo powered by VXI*

This is an example of a video portal VoiceXML 2.0+ running with an VXI* mediaserver and a Digium TDM card. It’s very easy to build lot of standard video 3G applications like this for your mobile phones services. Video:
December 17, 2007

VXI* 3.0b released!

We are please to present the new generation our VoiceXML browser for Asterisk. This new release comes with lots of improvements and features like 3G supports to build your own Video portals using Asterisk video capabilities. This 3.0 version also support ASR with a new connector which will be full delivered soon in the beta2 release now in testing in our labs. The support of Asterisk version are 1.4 and 1.6 for all VXI* 3.X, but 1.2 is now discontinued; this will not change in the near future. Thank you for the support, and we look forward to your feedback on this release!
November 3, 2007

I6NET Links for your VoiceXML demos

Links is a collection of voices services linked to our servers. Share favorites Voices Services and execute a voice access by phone. Discover new convergence between the Internet web contents and phone.
October 30, 2007

VXI* 2.2 released!

The newest VXI* 2.2 is now released! This release contains 2.0 bug fixes and enhancements for Asterisk 1.4.X last versions. New features added: Number of account changed to 100 Fix of a regression Update from video calling (22/10) License bug correction Update from video calling (08/10) Correction to prompt local file Not overwrite the client.cfg for the upgrades Start/stop script option “kill” to purge Offset support with audio/wav (“.wav:1233”) and property <control> Change context item type : form int to long (offset) Remove TTS/HTTP overwriting gobal HTTP request paramaters It also contains a complete review of the PBX connection for the lastest version of the Asterisk 1.4.X software. You will find a package for different environments, called Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. You can download the package inside our website for […]
September 8, 2007

IVVR, Video Portal Service with VXI* 2.X

I6NET is proud to present a new prototype of IVVR Interactive Voice and Video Response as features demostration of VXI* 2.X. With the evolution that voice over IP Asterisk Video have had in the latest months in 1.4.X releases, many notable improvements to the IVR services can be made, to such a point that adding video to I6NET VoiceXML 2.0+ voice & video browser is possible which is a great advance, considering the integration of the mobile and IP networks could be around the corner (as the case of 3G), which would let the users make use of interactive voice & video services from a mobile phone. Many thanks! to Manuel Vilate from Colombia for this project! [download=23] [download=22]