
August 21, 2007

VoiceXML 2.0+ new guide for VXI*

We are please to present new advances for all users of Asterisk PBX and VXI*. I6NET Team has added new information , examples, descriptions for online developpers in VXI* platforms. Please register and download the file. [download=26]
July 18, 2007

VXI* 2.1b released!

VXI* 2.1b is now released! This new release contains 2.0 bug fixes and enhancements for Asterisk 1.4.X PBX last versions. New features added: Control VCR function for wav with property “control” (* and # keys) Dial format in the account configuration. Support RTSP uri with <audio> Correction for multi-records VoiceXML accounts managment (for hosting users). Bugfix for SpiderMonkey (js_FreeRuntimeScriptState) Invert DNI and ANI (with the same shift in the configurtion file) Update the ChangeLog It also contains a complete review of the PBX connection for the lastest version of the Asterisk 1.4.X software. You will find a package for different environments, called Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. You can download the package inside our website for registered users. Thank you for your support!
March 20, 2007

VXI* 2.0 released!

The newest VXI* 2.0 is now released! This release contains a very large of bug fixes and better support for each Linux kernels used with Asterisk 1.4. It also contains a complete review of the PBX connection for the lastest version of the Asterisk 1.4.X software. You will find two packages for different environments, one called Sarge for GCC3 / libstdc++ 5 and the other called Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. The Sarge version can support AsteriskNOW and others distributions: Suse, AsteriskNOW, Redhat. Thank you for your support!
January 24, 2007

VXI* 1.5 runs with AsteriskNow!

NOW your can add advanced VoiceXML services to the newest AsteriskNOW open source Software Appliance; the Digium’s customized Linux distribution that includes Asterisk®, the Asterisk GUI, and all other software needed for an Asterisk® system. I6NET VXI* VoiceXML browser runs with the actual AsteriskNOW 1.4 version. What you can do NOW? Installing VXI* advanced features into your PBX, you get a powerful easy managed VoiceXML Interactive Voice Response System (IVR). AsteriskNOW is a complete Linux environment ready-to-use built by Digium the creators of Asterisk. Thank you for your continuous support!
December 9, 2006

VoIP or the Voice Infraesctructure Freedom new book

We recommend strongly to read this PDF book from IT+46 about the VOIP and Asterisk! A very helpful and interesting introduction to the New Generation Network Telephony… Dowloadable in English, French, Spanish, Arabic VOIP or the Voice Infrastructure Freedom:
November 29, 2006

VXI* 1.5b released!

We are please to announce you: VXI* VoiceXML browser plugin 1.5b (22-11 updated) for the last Asterisk 1.4b3. Please register to download the packages. Previous VXI* version 1.4 for Asterisk 1.2 will stay available for production systems until the new Asterisk 1.4 becomes a stable release. Thank you for your continuous support!
November 20, 2006

I6NET & Cepstral announce Text-To-Speech partnership for Interactive Voice Response Telephony

I6NET, a Spanish company specialising in Interactive Voice & Video Response Technologies which combine voice, video and web-enabled VoiceXML applications, has today announced a partnership agreement with Cepstral LLC, a speech technology company based in the USA. Under the terms of the agreement I6NET will embed a connector for Cepstral’s Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine and voices within their VoiceXML browser (VXI*), an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) software application for the Asterisk Open Source PBX platform. “The addition of Cepstral’s speech technology to our products allows maximiser customers to utilise high-quality Text-To-Speech for building advanced voice services that require dynamic content. The voices sound great and provide our customers with the flexibility to easily deliver a wide range of information over the phone, or across the network. Cepstral’s Text-to-Speech (TTS) engines are a perfect fit for VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk offering, […]
November 13, 2006

Some VoiceXML 2.0 applications examples and tutorials

A lot of developers, need simple examples to build their first VoiceXML program. We have put ZIP files to help them in first testing with VXI*. You can also access to lot of VoiceXML websites and download ideas and free applications to build your services. To learn more, example, tutorials, best practices… about VoiceXML, official websites are here: W3C VoiceXML 2.0 Reference VoiceXML features and examples VoiceXML tutorials More examples written in VoiceXML 2.0 VoiceXML best practices Thank you for your continuous support!
October 10, 2006

VXI* 1.4 updated!

We are please to announce you: VXI* 1.4 (Build date 2006-10-10) of our VoiceXML browser plugin for the Asterisk PBX. This version replace the previous 1.4beta2 version. If you have already installed the 1.4b2, you must simply update the OpenVXI 1.4 binary package and you can continue using the same Asterisk’s platform version. Please login to our site to download it. Thank you for your continuous support!
September 14, 2006

VXI* 1.4 released!

The I6NET Team is pleased to announce the release of VXI* VoiceXML browser plugin 1.4 for the Open Source PBX Asterisk. This may help you to try a new generation of advanced voice & video calling applications with standard technologies using VoiceXML. Please try the free version and read more information about it in our website. Thank you for your support!