I6NET marks 10 Years of Growing Success with IVR / IVVR

…only for Telecos or Contact Centers. Therefore, we are in continuous Research and Development, focusing on very innovative solutions including Video, Mobile Apps, Webcall… The I6NET Team Timeline: http://www.i6net.com/about/timeline/  …

I6NET sponsors local FOC Basketball team

…with the FOC basketball young girls team online soon. In the meantime, be sure to wish them the very best of luck for their upcoming games. Link at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/i6net/sets/72157635957755474/…

I6NET and DAVI Interactive partner to offer advanced RICH media for 3G mobiles services

…expected maturity to welcome it on a 3G application. Beyond technology, our complementary commercial networks and marketing approach provide solid grounds for a long term win-win partnership” explain Pascal Arbault,…

VuiCloud: Increasing the use of Speech in IVR Applications

We are pleased to share a very good report and interesting IVR figures for you summer reading from VuiCloud (Interactive Digital). Download (from the source): [download id=”133″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] Executive…

WebRTC / RTMP comparison for Web Real-Time Communications

…SIP and HTML5 brief introduction InfoWorld.com: WebRTC Browser communications standard has serveral hurdles clear Pro.Clubic.com: Interview w3c retour enjeux WebRTC Formtek/blog: WebRTC to Enable Peer-to-Peer Browser Communications [dt_divider style=”narrow”/]  …

Massphoning joins us at #MWC 2012 Barcelona

…surveys, Encouragement messages, Attendant confirmations… Go ahead now! and discover it at www.massphoning.com Massphoning is I6NET’s Congress Partner at next MWC 2012 Barcelona. Ulex Innovative Systems booth at French Pavilion…

La video-atención al cliente y la comunicación no verbal [Spanish]

…a ella cualquier empresa puede añadir a su pequeño o mediano contact center un sistema para dialogar con los clientes o potenciales. Source: eftoday.com www.exevi.com[download id=”217″ format=”1″ autop=”false”]…

The City of Getafe Phone Self-Service for 2012 Summer School Activities [Business Case]

…provide this helpful service for Getafe’s families, one more time in 2012 with fully successful results. Service Brochure: [download id=”166″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] Customer Press Release: www.getafe.es-Escuelas-de-Verano-2012-Nota-de-Prensa Previous Posts: www.i6net.com-Escuelas-de-Verano-2009-BlogPost  …

Our VoiceXML Links demos are now available on Skype

…demos from anywhere using Skype ID: i6net.com Our PSTN number (+34 911 140 670) steel available too. You can select all our demos codes at : http://links.i6net.com More information: http://www.i6net.com/support/demos/…

XCally integrates a VXML channel for Vxi*

for Inbound, Outbound and Blended Contact Centers. [framed_video column=”two-thirds”]http://youtu.be/wB88J3_g9Lo[/framed_video] Video Source: http://youtu.be/wB88J3_g9Lo Vxi* can work on the same Xcally server to provide many advanced new features like: Video calling over…