New Xtras* Video IP/3G addon released!

…favorite linux distribution and version and contact us to quote specific configurations and get technical support. You can download these new binary packages from this website for registered users. »…

VXI* 4.4 Text-to-Speech (TTS) updates for Cepstral, Flite, Verbio Speech Engines

…updated very soon; stay tunned at our blog… You can download these new binary packages from this website for registered users. » Linux 32bit : Debian Etch | Debian Lenny…

New VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.2 released!

…tuned to the blog to keep up to date on our progress or check out our lasts builds. You can download these new packages from this website for registered users….

VXI* 2.2 released!

…Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. You can download the package inside our website for registered users. Thank you for your support!…

New VXI* 3.1b released

…is now released! This release is now for preproduction platforms and testing systems. You can download this newest package inside our website for registered users. Thank you for your support!…

The City hall of Avila presents its Voice Portal at next Admira Congress 2009

best of bread voice communications interfaces and through Internet developed by AMBISER with the VXI* VoiceXML browser technology of I6NET. Admira Congress, will show last Products and Services for the…

Video-over-IP Communications, SIP versus RTMP [Report]

…player… You can get our complete comparision SIP vs RTMP (for videocalls) report here. Download: [download id=”165″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] Authors: I6NET Solutions and Technologies, SL Date: April, 27 2012  …

IVVR, Video Portal Service with VXI* 2.X

…3G), which would let the users make use of interactive voice & video services from a mobile phone. Many thanks! to Manuel Vilate from Colombia for this project! [download=23] [download=22]…

I6NET and tuelve Madrid Hi-Tech firms go to America

and tuelve other hi-Tech firms from Madrid are Developing Business Relationships with the Silicon Valley companies. [download id=”38″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] [download id=”39″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] Other sources: Expansion – Las pymes…

User Experience in a Telephone Application Using VoiceXML

…are conducted in order to understand user experience, improve the initial VUI design and provide valuable information for your future VUI development with VoiceXML. Download: [download id=”42″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] Source:…