We are very pleased to present the 7.1 release ref. 2012-11-27 of our VXI* VoiceXML Browser for Asterisk. This new 2012 edition is the most advanced interpreter that can run over Asterisk . As in previous releases, we include specific improvements and new features that will provide you the best IVR / IVVR experience for your voice and video telephony projects. VXI* 7.1 is suitable for production platforms running with all latest Asterisk 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 kernels! (all Asterisk’s packages are available for download too). Many Linux OS Distributions 32bit and 64bit versions available based on: Debian 6.0 – 5.0, CentOS 6.3 – 5.7 You can download these new binary packages from this website for registered users. New features added and modifications: mod: Correction for the Verbio ASR with SRGS grammars. add: Parameter speechunload to disable the unloadgrammar functions. add: Range […]