
September 11, 2008

VXI* 3.1 final 64bit released!

The final VXI* VoiceXML browser 3.1 “late summer” ref. 2008-09-02 64bit is now released with the already published VXI* 3.1 32bit! These new release is suitable for production Linux 64bit platforms running with all lastest Asterisk 1.4 kernels. We are already working on the next 4.0 64bit! Stay tuned to the blog to keep up to date on our progress or check out one of our nightly builds and see for yourself! You can download now both 32bit and 64bit new packages from website for registered users. Powered by I6NET Software Same new features and modifications as in 3.1 32bit release. Thank you for your continuous support!
September 2, 2008

VXI* 3.1 final released!

The final VXI* VoiceXML browser 3.1 “late summer” ref. 2008-09-01 32bit is now released! In few days the same package for 64bit will be available too. These new release is suitable for production platforms running with all lastest Asterisk 1.4 kernels. We are already working on the next 4.0!  Stay tuned to the blog to keep up to date on our progress or check out one of our nightly builds and see for yourself! You can download these new packages from website for registered users. Powered by I6NET Software New features added: add: additional properties for the TextToVideo add: Specific video URL in the accounts add: Video detection add: Counters (PEAK, DENIED, SPEECHS) add: Set VXML_ERROR if the session cannot be open (content the cause) add: End date to the session dump add: Use Number (calledif)) to identify the account […]
July 1, 2008

VXI* 3.1 now for 32bit and 64bit

The newest VXI* VoiceXML browser 3.1 ref. 2008-06-25 32bit and 2008-06-24 64bit are now released! These releases are for preproduction platforms running with all lastest Asterisk 1.4 kernels. You can download these new packages from website for registered users. More information about VXI* updated features here. Thank you for your support!
May 18, 2008

New VXI* 3.1b released

The newest VXI* VoiceXML browser 3.1 beta ref. 2008-05-15 is now released! This release is now for preproduction platforms and testing systems. You can download this newest package inside our website for registered users. Thank you for your support!
April 17, 2008

New VXI* 3.0 released!

The newest VXI* VoiceXML browser 3.0 ref. 2008-04-14 is now released! This release contains important enhancements for Asterisk 1.4.X last versions. It also contains a complete review of the PBX connection for the lastest version of the Asterisk 1.4.X software. You will find a package for different environments, called Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. New features and modifications added: ASR Lumenvox Speech Engine integration (audio and video) Remove applications integration (call from Asterisk) Conference from the transfer tag with conf Call a Asterisk application fom the VoiceXML session. Prompt local file not exits correction (item increment removed) Support 3gp file format extension 3G-324m supports for VoiceXML 2.0+ Update 3G connector for (12/01. 15/01, 29/11) Building and dynamic speech grammar supported License upgrading bug correction TTS caching improvements TTV text-to-video reloaded! for […]
December 17, 2007

VXI* 3.0b released!

We are please to present the new generation our VoiceXML browser for Asterisk. This new release comes with lots of improvements and features like 3G supports to build your own Video portals using Asterisk video capabilities. This 3.0 version also support ASR with a new connector which will be full delivered soon in the beta2 release now in testing in our labs. The support of Asterisk version are 1.4 and 1.6 for all VXI* 3.X, but 1.2 is now discontinued; this will not change in the near future. Thank you for the support, and we look forward to your feedback on this release!
October 30, 2007

VXI* 2.2 released!

The newest VXI* 2.2 is now released! This release contains 2.0 bug fixes and enhancements for Asterisk 1.4.X last versions. New features added: Number of account changed to 100 Fix of a regression Update from video calling (22/10) License bug correction Update from video calling (08/10) Correction to prompt local file Not overwrite the client.cfg for the upgrades Start/stop script option “kill” to purge Offset support with audio/wav (“.wav:1233”) and property <control> Change context item type : form int to long (offset) Remove TTS/HTTP overwriting gobal HTTP request paramaters It also contains a complete review of the PBX connection for the lastest version of the Asterisk 1.4.X software. You will find a package for different environments, called Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. You can download the package inside our website for […]
July 18, 2007

VXI* 2.1b released!

VXI* 2.1b is now released! This new release contains 2.0 bug fixes and enhancements for Asterisk 1.4.X PBX last versions. New features added: Control VCR function for wav with property “control” (* and # keys) Dial format in the account configuration. Support RTSP uri with <audio> Correction for multi-records VoiceXML accounts managment (for hosting users). Bugfix for SpiderMonkey (js_FreeRuntimeScriptState) Invert DNI and ANI (with the same shift in the configurtion file) Update the ChangeLog It also contains a complete review of the PBX connection for the lastest version of the Asterisk 1.4.X software. You will find a package for different environments, called Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. You can download the package inside our website for registered users. Thank you for your support!
March 20, 2007

VXI* 2.0 released!

The newest VXI* 2.0 is now released! This release contains a very large of bug fixes and better support for each Linux kernels used with Asterisk 1.4. It also contains a complete review of the PBX connection for the lastest version of the Asterisk 1.4.X software. You will find two packages for different environments, one called Sarge for GCC3 / libstdc++ 5 and the other called Etch GCC4 / libstdc++ 6. All the binaries are compiled in Debian Linux OS. The Sarge version can support AsteriskNOW and others distributions: Suse, AsteriskNOW, Redhat. Thank you for your support!
January 24, 2007

VXI* 1.5 runs with AsteriskNow!

NOW your can add advanced VoiceXML services to the newest AsteriskNOW open source Software Appliance; the Digium’s customized Linux distribution that includes Asterisk®, the Asterisk GUI, and all other software needed for an Asterisk® system. I6NET VXI* VoiceXML browser runs with the actual AsteriskNOW 1.4 version. What you can do NOW? Installing VXI* advanced features into your PBX, you get a powerful easy managed VoiceXML Interactive Voice Response System (IVR). AsteriskNOW is a complete Linux environment ready-to-use built by Digium the creators of Asterisk. Thank you for your continuous support!