Of course, build an advanced IVR / IVVR doesn’t require rocket science. You just need four software elements that I6NET has developed, integrated and packaged for you. This approach provides a standard telephony system powered by VoiceXML 2.0+ (W3C) and able to manage the most advanced open interactive voice and video applications for 3G/IP/TDM networks. The four software elements: VXI* VoiceXML browser, for voice and video phone interactivity FF* converter, suite of tools to manage video contents convertion Asterisk, the Open Source PBX created by Digium (built from standard last sources) Xtras, complementary software addons (ASR, TTS, 3G-324m, CDR, FAX…) Server platform requirements: Standard hardware servers Intel, AMD,.. 120-150 ports for voice / 30-60 ports for video per CPU VoIP / TDM on Asterisk’s compliant boards Linux OS Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, CentOS, Fedora, Suse, AsteriskNOW