
June 15, 2009

CCXML vs VXI* VoiceXML’s Asterisk Call Control

CCXML – or Call Control XML – is the W3C standard markup language for controlling how phone calls are placed, answered, transferred, conferenced, and more. This language has been designed to work with VoiceXML and be telephony platform independent. VoiceXML is a dialog oriented XML language but it can execute some call control functions like the <transfer> tag. CCXML has been defined to provide an extended call control management to VoiceXML. This approach has some limits , you need to parse two different XML pages and manage both different scripts at the same time, that is a complex situation for developers. Of course, the current CCXML 1.0 definition use a reduced number of tags, coding any call controlled application is limited by the CCXML syntax itself.
June 5, 2009

New documentation edition for VXI* 4.1

We present a new update of the VXI* VoiceXML browser Manual; these new PDF file is now available at our download documents section. Some updated elements are: Installation process for Digium Boards Dadhi / Zaptel Acapela TTS new connector VoiceXML reference guide updated for VXI* 4.1 ZMS Zingaya – VXI* interoperability Debian Firewall / SIP [download id=”46″] More information at: Documents Thank your for your support!
June 4, 2009

New VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.1 released!

The final VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.1  ref. 2009-06-02 32bits/64bits is now released. These new release is suitable for production platforms running with all lastest Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6 kernels. Stay tuned to the blog to keep up to date on our progress or check out our lasts builds and see for yourself! You can download these new packages from this website for registered users. Powered by I6NET Software This 4.1 release includes a new license activation system to connect many addons and manage more features, before upgrading from a previous VXI* 1.X, 3.X or 4.X send an email to our support to get the configuration for your new 4.1 platform. Without activation (by default) your can use one port for free. This is an example, of the information dumped: Version : 4.1 Max sessions : 30 Option video : yes Option tts […]
June 3, 2009

VXI* serves the 3915 french phone number to find quickly the nearest pharmacy drug store.

The «3915» or is the french national interactive phone service where you can find  in less than a minute  the nearest pharmacist on duty from your geographical location. With any operator,  from any cellphone, you just have to enter your zipcode, or simply the name of the city. The « 3915 » is powered by VXI* platforms with VoiceXML applications to access in real-time to a large pharmacists’ addresses database. Information is provided by the pharmaceutical department  trade union and the geographical location is provided by google map’s technology.  The Internet site  has a search engine to help users to find the nearest pharmacist on duty, and it also offer many services to pharmacists. These two services are now available in 15 french departments, and in phase of deployment on the entirety of the territory.      
May 18, 2009

Advanced monitoring for VXI* VoiceXML servers

When you have a multi-server environment, server monitorization becomes a mandatory service to manage your VXI *IVR/IVVR . Nagios software deliver today a powerfull administration and monitoring solution for VXI* servers. I6NET uses it and some of our partners too, so we choose to talk about this interesting tool that helps to monitor VXI* systems base on Asterisk PBX.
May 10, 2009

VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.1rc coming soon…

VXI* 4.1 will be a new important step for the evolution of our VoiceXML browser for Asterisk. This new release will be published very soon and will start to be implemented for new IVR / IVVR production platforms. Stable 4.0 release steel updated for voice services and current video features. Some updates of this new release are: Video 3G stack for VXI* improvements New VXI* addons management and configuration New Transcoder engine for Video over IP ZMS -Flash-to-SIP integration for VXI* Text-to-Speech (TTS) connector improved (Acapela configuration updated) Speech-Recognition (ASR) improved for video and hand-free mode Text-to-Video (TTV) new update New Outbound API (option) Code improvements and bugs corrections
May 6, 2009

I6NET sponsors AVIOS 2009-2010 fourth annual Student Speech Application Contest

Wednesday, May 6, 2009. Today the Applied Voice Input/Output Society (AVIOS) announced their fourth annual student speech application contest sponsored by AT&T, Cepstral, I6Net, Loquendo, Microsoft, and Voxeo. Applications must involve speech input and/or output, but may be pure speech or multimodal. Cash and/or equipment prizes valued at over $1000 will be awarded to teams of student programmers who design and create applications judged to be robust, useful, creative, innovative, and user friendly. The contest encourages students to develop applications using speech technologies such as automatic speech recognition and text to speech synthesis and to combine them with other modalities. This year, students may use any of a variety of platforms including AT&T Speech Mashups, Cepstral VoiceForge TTS service, CMU’s RavenClaw/Olympus, Google Android, I6NET VXI* VoiceXML browser, Loquendo VoxNauta Platform, Lumenvox Speech Platform, Opera, Voxeo Prophecy, and Voxeo Tropo. Students anywhere in the world can submit their creative and innovative applications to be judged by […]
May 5, 2009

VXI* IVVR VoiceXML demo service using 3G videocalling with Hand Free Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition with dynamic grammars are very easy to manage with VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk, this demo shows how easy it is to code a simple VoiceXML script to develop a small video interactive portal for 3G wireless networks. This video service is coded with only one XML script and manage both TTS and ASR. The Speech Engine technologies available for our VXI* VoiceXML browser are ready to work in hand free mode. Of course, possibilities of this kind of services over VXI* are endless… We let you imagine the next generation of speech recognition self-services with 3G real-time videocalling … The only one script VoiceXML source code of this demo is: <?xml version="1.0"?> <vxml version="2.0" xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US"> <property value="15s" name= "termtimeout" /> <property value="dtmf voice" name= "inputmodes" /> <form id = "service"> <field name="country"> <audio src="video/service.3gp"/> <option dtmf="1" value="france">France</option> <option dtmf="2" […]
April 29, 2009

I6NET and Orizom partners to provide 3G videocall solutions with smart Image Recognition

Madrid/Sevilla – Spain, April 27th, 2009 – I6NET provider of 3G/IP IVR / IVVR VoiceXML communications components and Orizom / VisualCentury an innovative company that provide advanced image recognition and multimedia products, have chosen to create together new value added mobile services. The Feelterz software from Orizom / VisualCentury is a high performance Image Recognition engine that allows to find and link products with information in a matter of seconds. Using this software with an interactive video VoiceXML service allows to manage new possibilities of business. An example of a 3G videocall service powered by VXI* and Feelterz is a tourism monuments or places information phone number to provide text, voice or video information about different city’s places. You just make a simple videocall with your 3G mobile phone and this video self-service will recognize automatically the monument in front of […]
April 20, 2009

3G FACTORY™ and I6NET unveils their common video calling solutions

France – Spain, April 20th, 2009 – I6NET provider of 3G/IP IVR / IVVR VoiceXML communications components and 3G FACTORY™, the innovative french company that leads 3G video applications market, have successfully integrated their solution. The VXI* VoiceXML browser gives the ability to rapidly develop and deploy innovative voice and video applications via IP, PSTN, and 3G-324M networks. VXI* is fully compliant with the W3C’s VoiceXML 2.0+ specification and is integrated with automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech software to enable advanced voice and video solutions, and real-time video calling applications. The 3G FACTORY VISIODIOTEL™ service, which made it possible to launch interactive video services such as friendship sites, information portals, video blogs, image transmission sites, distance voting, tourist information services, etc. now comes complete with solutions for automatic payment, such as Credit Cards, SMS+, Scratch Card, etc. After two successful years, […]